New "HoursApplied" property for Leave Request endpoint

The LeaveRequest endpoint now has an “HoursApplied” property to see how many hours of a leave request have been applied within a pay run.

The “HoursApplied” property is a decimal value and will be 0 if no hours are applied or equal TotalHours if the full request has been applied.

Below is a sample leaveRequest response:

"id": 1,
"employeeId": 1,
"leaveCategoryId": 1,
"employee": "John Smith",
"leaveCategory": "Leave Without Pay",
"fromDate": "2014-06-30T00:00:00",
"toDate": "2014-06-30T00:00:00",
"totalHours": 8,
"hoursApplied": 4,
"notes": null,
"status": "Approved"