$select not working

Hi all,

Having issues with OData $select on the following end points (that I have been working with so far):

  • Payrun /api/v2/business/{businessId}/payrun
  • Timesheets /api/v2/business/{businessid}/timesheet

For example the following query works fine without $select:
/api/v2/business/{businessId}/payrun?$filter=Id eq 276987

But as soon as I add the $select into the mix: E.g.
/api/v2/business/{businessId}/payrun?$select=Id&$filter=Id eq 276987
Status 500 Internal Server Error
“message”: “An error has occurred.”

In comparison, the Employee endpoint works fine:

Am I missing something?

Hi Justin,

Apologies for not replying to this earlier - i believe that you may have already received a response to this via our support channel.

Unfortunately, due to slightly different OData technology used by different API endpoints, OData $select is currently only supported for the employee API.

Apologies for any misleading documentation - I have now updated the OData article in this forum to point this out.
